Looking Ahead: Plans for The Progressive American in 2025
With 2024 done, here are some of the goals for The Progressive American going forward
Good evening everyone,
I hope you are doing well and had a wonderful new years. With 2024 over, I thought I would go into what I have planned for the year as well as provide an explanation for where I was leading up to the new year.
Where was I?
I wasn’t uploading as much as I wanted in December. Some unforeseen personal problems required my attention, and the holidays also contributed. Thankfully, most of those issues have been resolved and I had a wonderful 26th birthday on the 2nd.
As it stands, I am preparing myself for the year going forward. I am looking forward to new opportunities for the channel. I am also eager for new possibilities in my personal life.
Plans for The Progressive American
Last year, I tried out doing a weekly podcast, and I enjoyed the results overall. As of next week, I will be uploading weekly news updates where I evaluate the week’s news from a progressive perspective. I am also working on a video on the House Ethics Report on Matt Gaetz, but am waiting for some footage from his OAN program. 1
For the newsletter, I will be working to upload a minimum of three articles a week plus the podcast, though that may be subject to change depending upon the projects that come into play on my schedule.
I would like to thank you all for the support you have shown me and my work, and I look forward to producing more content for you all this year.
If you like my work and want to support me, you can find the donation link on my Kofi link. Thank you, I really appreciate it.
Conor Kelly, “House Ethics Report Alleges Matt Gaetz Had Sex with a Minor,” The Progressive American (blog), December 24, 2024, https://theprogressiveamerican.com/2024/12/24/house-ethics-report-alleges-matt-gaetz-had-sex-with-a-minor/.